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Boating / Cruising

Atlantic City Cruises, Charters and Rentals offer Big Fun on the Water!

Atlantic City, New Jersey offers breathtaking water views, but surely you didn’t come here just to look, did you? Atlantic City offers a few great ways to get you off the shore and onto the water for aquatic adventures.

Check out Atlantic City Cruises offering everything from sightseeing, dinners and parties to whale and dolphin watching or guided tours of the area. You’ll also find a variety of outfitters and charter services offering diving excursions, sport fishing trips and sailing lessons for the adventurous.

Want to strike out on a cruise of your own? Local inlets and bays offer plenty of paddling opportunities for canoers and kayakers and Atlantic City boat rentals are readily available by the hour or daily.

The Farley State Marina offers slips to visiting boaters and provides easy access to the action in Atlantic City. For real boating fans, the annual Atlantic City Boat Show gives attendees a glimpse of the newest technologies and products on the scene. View the calendar of events to plan your visit.

So come get your feet wet and book Atlantic City boat rentals, reserve spots on Atlantic City cruises and charters, or show up with your own vessel for a wet and wonderful time in AC.